CUESD will be offering a Distance Learning program as an alternative to in-person instruction. This program will require a 6-week commitment and will be a rigorous internet-based instruction with teachers. Once a child/children start(s) with the CUESD Distance Learning program, they are required to finish. Distance Learning Registration can be renewed at the end of the 6-weeks. CUESD will provide Chromebooks to Distance Learning students.
If you completed the Family Survey last week and requested Distance Learning, your child(ren) have been registered already.
To report an incident of bullying, click on the icon above. Submitted reports remain anonymous and are kept confidential. (Adding your name is voluntary and not necessary.)
Formed in 1888, Corning Union Elementary School District encompasses 170 square miles in Tehama County and borders Glenn County to the south. The territory of the District is located in the southern part of Tehama County and includes the City of Corning and adjacent unincorporated areas. The City is situated about 115 miles north of Sacramento, the State Capital, and about 15 miles south of Red Bluff, the County seat and home of the world famous Red Bluff Round-up. Population for the City of Corning is approximately 8,000. Corning Elementary is one of the top three major employers for the Corning area.
The original school house built in 1888 is seen on the left.